Happy Thursday! Today is my last day of work this week. My hubby is in a wedding this weekend. So I get to take tomorrow off. We are leaving early (7am) Friday morning to make it in time for the Rehearsal and have a few hours for Mr. Bliss to study for his MPRE (big test he has to take before the bar).. Yes, I know you are all thinking, why would he take the MPRE on the day of his best friends wedding???? And my mother would say "Now, where are the three P's?? (Prior Proper Planning).. Well, they only offer the test once in the Spring and once in the Fall and he couldn't take it in the fall b/c he was clerking for a federal judge. But to makes things worse... THE GROOM has to take it along with two additional groomsmen.. Ridiculous.. Needless to say, they are going to be letting off some major steam at the Reception.
So think good thoughts for Mr. Bliss and misguided friends. He has to pass this to become a lawyer...
On to the hosuewife thing.. Since, these guys are going to be studying instead of drinking tomorrow night, I thought I would make some cookies for them to munch on... Here is what I am going to make, they are
Paula Deen's Hidden Mint Cookies . I am going to make them little buckets with these cookies, some regular thin mints, samoas, and choc chip. I will post my creations later!!

18-ounce roll refrigerated sugar cookie dough, sliced 1/4-inch thin
14-ounce package chocolate mint wafers (HELLO GIRL SCOUT-THIN MINTS)
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon coarsely chopped walnuts or pecans, or enough to cover top of cookies
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Slightly grease a cookie sheet. Place slices of sugar cookies on sheet, about 2 to 3 inches apart. Top each with a chocolate wafer. Cover wafer with another slice of cookie dough. Brush dough with a beaten egg. Press nuts into top of dough. Bake for about 10 minutes.
And, I thought I would pack us a little lunch so we dont have to stop and eat fast food.... I thought I would pack this, some green apple slices and some bottles water!

Cut cheese in half.
Fill tortillas with turkey, cheese and basil.